According to the news reported by Times of India dated on February, 14, 2017 the incident of two 9th standard boys killed a friend, in Kolkata, has rung alarm bells and made everyone sit up with horror, but psychiatrists and psychologists in the city say that there are hundreds of cases of aggressive behavior in kids being reported to them on a daily basis.
“Adolescence” is a dynamically evolving theoretical construct informed through physiologic, psychosocial, temporal and cultural lenses. This critical developmental period is conventionally understood as the years between the onset of puberty and the establishment of social independence (Steinberg, 2014). The most commonly used chronologic definition of adolescence includes the ages of 10-18, but may incorporate a span of 9 to 26 years depending on the source (APA, 2002).
Adolescence is a distinct phase of the developmental life cycle in humans and other animal species (Elliot & Feldman, 1990; Spear 2000). Among humans, adolescence is a complex, multi- system transitional process involving progression from the immaturity and social dependency of childhood into adult life with the goal and expectation of fulfilled developmental potential, personal agency, and social accountability (Greenfield, Keller, Fuligni, &Maynard, 2003; Graber & Brookes-Gunn, 1996; Modell & Goodman, 1990; Steinberg, 2002).
The definition of adolescence and adolescent sub-stages are founded in a theoretical understanding of adolescent development. Adolescence is broadly categorized into 3 stages i.e. early adolescence, middle adolescence and late adolescence. Teenagers’ experience some physical, cognitive, biological milestones as they move from childhood to adolescence period.
Classic theories of adolescent development extend from a range of philosophical perspectives including the biosocial, organismic, and contextual. An adolescent goes through his journey of self-discovery, tying to adjust to new experiences, as well as the changes he experiences biologically and socially. For him it becomes quite stressful and anxiety provoking, leading to decreased tolerance for change. This results in more difficulty for him to modulate his behaviour. Hence he displays inappropriate mood swings and angry outbursts.
As quoted by Dr.H.S.Cheema
“My experience through life has made me firmly believe that the virtues of self -restraint and TEMPERANCE work like a guide for oneself. Seeds of virtues sown in childhood, will OPEN doors for better communications thereby creating peace and happiness”.