One Life To Live! We have all heard of this line dozens of times in our lives but how many of us have actually given due consideration to the meaning behind these words and what they intend to convey to us. We are born not by choice – the real science behind life and death has many theorists and many opinions, but we all know that our birth on this earth is not in our control. But after we are born, life happens! And once life happens, beyond the initial phase of growth and development, at a point of time, there comes a phase when we are in a position to take control of our own lives and steer it in the direction we want. And there we go running the race of life, trying to achieve everything materialistic, superficial and pleasing to our physical avatar on this earth.
Often while running this race which has no destination, we feel that we are in control, but in reality, we simply keep running the miles of life’s race-track, sometimes after money, sometimes after fame, sometimes after pleasure, sometimes away from pain. We live in a fool’s paradise, happy with our achievements, barely realizing what we are missing out in life. We are all so lost in our pre-occupation with life’s self-taken tasks that we fail to appreciate the other aspects of life that we are surrounded with. Nature, god, life – by whatever way we address the provider or creator of life, has ensured that our journey on this planet is smooth and that we have all the accessories and support to provide us situational peace in different moments of life’s drama.
Our family, our friends, our acquaintances, the natural surroundings around us, our health and abilities to think, move, talk, act – everything has been designed and provided to us to ensure that our life’s journey does not become cumbersome and too arduous. Everything and everyone has a role assigned to assist us at times we require the assistance the most. But alas, in running the rat-race of life, often we tend to ignore these small-small blessings that surround us and often by the time we realize their value, it is too late to take action.
Situations which toss us into challenging predicaments are the ones where the realization of the value of these blessings comes to the fore. When we are slammed by life’s challenges, unable to fight on our own, we look around to the support of these blessings. The pandemic of Covid-19 has been one such challenge thrown our way by life and many have lost loved ones at the altar of this pandemic. The ones, who are gone, were often ignored while they were there, their existence having been taken for granted. It is only when you suddenly loose somebody close – a family member, a friend, a neighbor, a colleague or anybody known, that you suddenly realize that you never did pay much attention towards cultivating the bond with the person. You took things for granted; you took the relationship for granted. And now when realization has struck, the person has moved on and you cannot do anything to undo the wrong on your part.
Personal experiences have highlighted this realization to me and I have realized that it is these small-small blessings in life, which we must not take for granted, which are to be cherished, nurtured and cultivated with love and care, which are going to matter ultimately when the calling comes for you to move on. If we miss the opportunity now, we will always live with the regret all our lives and we will never be able to do anything to change the situation because life does not give us too many do-overs. So what we must do is live in the present, and make the most of what life has to offer us in the present.
The neighbor, whom you pass every day in the morning without even giving a second look, on your way to work, does deserve a humble smile and a greeting from you. The office liftman who takes you to your destination floor deserves a simple thank-you. The postman who delivers your letters deserves a word of appreciation. You parents or siblings or spouse or children, they all deserve your time and attention on a regular basis. Make them know how much you care for them, cherish and thank your parents for bringing you up with care and love, appreciate your siblings for their never-ending support, appreciate your spouse for being a part of your journey and making it more comfortable with their uncompromised love, make your children feel special.
All these things are free in life and cost you nothing except a little bit of effort on your part and a little bit of your time. We always complain that we don’t have time, but ultimately when we run the rat-race of life, we are doing it all for someone or something. So why not give a little of your time to those precious blessings in your life and appreciate what you have today – before it is too late to do so. The day this realization sets upon you, and when you will start making the most of what life has to offer you in the present, that will be the day when you will realize the true joy of living and your life’s journey will gain a destination because now you are not running a rat-race, you will be controlling the race you run at your own pace and in your own time and aimed at your desired destination.
So friends, it is essential to learn and mend our ways on our own while we still have the freedom to do so, because a lesson of life learnt through a bitter example will always leave a bad taste in your mouth forever. Life is a one way journey, origins unknown, destination unknown – But what we know is that we have to live it till the calling comes. So it is important to make the most of this journey and filling it with humility and appreciation for all the small-small blessings provided to us, which will go a long way in making it a beautiful journey – one which will be remembered by others, even after you are gone.
As quoted by Dr.H.S.Cheema:
“Virtue of HUMILITY when imbibed makes one TRUE TO SELF, NO Pride BUT Humbleness, NO Selfishness BUT Selfless Devotion for others in need, NO Arrogance, BUT only Humbleness. Humility and Modesty help to foster learning which ultimately leads to self development and progress”