#3. Emotional Intelligence

We are inherently gifted with feelings and emotions that add various colors to our lives. We all love to treasure our feelings and memories that bring smiles to our faces, make us happy

and blissful, and give us pleasures and fun. Of course, we do experience negative emotions too, like anger, sadness, jealousy, fear, guilt or shame, etc and they only leave us in agony, pain, anger and make us feel helpless.

Throughout the day we experience innumerable emotions as many thoughts keep flowing in our minds. It is up to us how we understand, manage, utilize, and perceives these emotions of ourselves and of others around us. Either we make ourselves or break ourselves. So here emotional intelligence plays an important role in our lives. Emotional intelligence is a powerful skill that enables us to understand one’s own feelings and emotions by becoming more introspective, helps oneself to understand and think about the feelings of others which leads to better communications and maintaining good relationships. An individual begins to perceive people and things in his surroundings more positively. During stressful conditions, an emotionally intelligent person does not allow negative emotions like anxiety to overpower him and he responds more effectively. Thus he becomes more productive. Emotional intelligence makes a person skillful to understand and handle emotions in a better and healthier manner. Many studies suggested that people with high emotional intelligence displayed a low level of aggression. This relationship was found to be consistent across all age groups across from childhood to adulthood (Das & Triphaty, 2015; Fernández, Extremera & Berrocal, 2014; Kaya, Hazar, Beyleroğlu, Sari & Yilmaz, 2017). Emotional intelligence should be nurtured in childhood itself.

The children of today are future builders of the world. They possess tremendous energy in them which has to be properly channelized. We all expect our children to be more creative, productive, and useful. Parents need to be supportive by helping their children to understand and express their emotions. For this educators and parents have to play a vital role to instill emotional intelligence in children making them more confident and more responsible in their lives thus paving way for a better world we can dream of.

As quoted by Dr.H.S.Cheema

“Defend your life’s goal post. Don’t let anybody score with toxic words. Developing one’s emotional abilities with self awareness, will help in creating a new story, you WISH to be in life”.

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