Trust that small voice inside you which is trying to tell you……
“The task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you”
Communication is the hallmark of humanity. What distinguishes us from animals is our ability to communicate using verbal ability and judicious application of our thoughts and ideas. Without the means to communicate, the world would be a very difficult place to live in. We communicate with each other numerous times a day as part of our everyday life journey. But what we all fail to notice, is the amount of communication we do with our own selves 24 X 7 X 365 days, eating, breathing, sleeping, working – no matter what you are doing, your inner communication system is always active.
As I said, our inner communication network is always active, but yet, the majority of us either fail to make use of its efficacies or a majority of us tend to ignore its existence and keep it on ‘mute’ mode. Many simply put it on ‘normal’ when it suits them. This may be in times of panic, in times of grief, in times of joy, or in times of pain and other such emotions. The majority of us indulge in selective cognizant behavior as far as our inner communication system is concerned.
This inner communication system which I am referring to here is your inner voice – the voice of sanity. It is in-built among us all and there is no need to take any extra effort in recognizing it or even to put it on. This inner voice of reason never sleeps. It is our beacon of light pointing the right thing to do under different circumstances which come our way. It is akin to the radar system which directs a flight or a ship on the right path, through thick and thin of worst of weathers and dangers. In a similar way, it is our inner voice, which guides us on the path of what is right and what is wrong.
The only problem here is that this inner voice of ours is non-intrusive. It continues in its existence in a quiet and demure manner, without imposing on our thoughts and actions. Its job is to give us caution, reason, and point us in the right direction – the right way to go ahead or the right action to be taken in a situation. It does not force us to follow its suggestions or opinions and the ultimate decision is left to us only. The question then arises is that whether this inner voice can be relied upon? Whether your inner voice will always be right?
The true answer to this is beyond anyone’s abilities. But yes, people who have lived a disciplined life and have managed to get their five senses under their control, like the great yogis in our Indian culture, have managed to attune their inner voice to such an extent that their inner voice always gave the right advice and showed the correct path of life. It cannot be tuned and perfected overnight and nor is it an easy task to hone your own inner voice into maturity and perfection, but by paying attention to your inner being, by keeping the channels of communication with your own self, open and free, gradually your core will get in-tune with your outer-self.
Listen to what your core suggests, do not ignore it. Consider the suggestions that come within you, analyze them, and pay due consideration, and only then move forward. Your inner voice is not meant to give you the right or wrong answer, its job is to make you reflect on every choice you make, before you make it, pay due consideration to what will be the implications of your choice, and once having considered all this, then move ahead. You will often notice that these basic simple outcomes of listening to your inner voice will make your choices and actions, more seasoned and more mature, and less harmful to your own self and to those around you.
So let us all try to make an attempt to connect with our own inner voices and try to fine-tune our internal antennas to listen to nature’s way of showing us the path of reason.
As quoted by Dr. H.S.Cheema
“Don’t lose HOPE; irrespective of how dark it gets inside the TUNNEL, don’t let negative thoughts conquer your mind, like you can’t do it; drive the energy from inside you, that tells you that “YES YOU CAN DO IT” Listen to your inner voice, who set the goal and said “Yes i can do it” for sure your INNER drive will open door of opportunity for yourself and sees the light of HOPE at the end of tunnel”