The Corona pandemic has transformed the meaning of life. Lockdown imposed for the safety of the citizens brought life to a standstill. People were confined in their homes. Everything was
shut, be it factories, offices, hotels, shops, malls, schools, colleges, places of worship, and transport services. Shutting down human services helped Mother Earth to breathe pure air but many people lost their jobs, many died. The situations remained the same globally.
Online services grabbed the opportunity which turned out to be a lifeline for our daily survival. Face mask, sanitizer, positive, quarantine, and social distancing were the set of the new vocabulary used during any conversation which remained incomplete without the discussion of types of vaccination. Finally, life keeps on moving irrespective of any hurdles be it for children or for grownups.
Children are the most silent victim of this upheaval. Their physical growth has been stunted. Things which were most refused by the parents pre-pandemic has presently emerged to be a necessity among the kids. The usage of electronic gadgets is in dominance for their academic growth in the facet of online study. The online class is a boon during this time of the pandemic. Children are happy using the mobile and laptop. Teachers are connected to their class 24 by 7.
Informative audios and videos designed by the teachers help in making the difficult concept easy. Repeatedly listening to them, in turn, helps the children to memorize the content. Exams are conducted, papers are checked, and all in a virtual fashion but the knowledge gained is absolutely real, ironically the seriousness of study seems diminishing due to an infinite number of distractions prevailing in the gadget itself. Students are always smart and manage to find loopholes in every system and therefore as a reason, the authenticity of the exams has gone for a ride. Unfortunately, we all stand helpless but genuinely worried for our kids’ future.
On the other hand, teachers have become techno-savvy irrespective of their age. It is indeed a challenging task for the teachers forgoing the age-old chalk and duster and monitoring the class on a small screen of a laptop or mobile. Though their efforts are not much acknowledged or appreciated but still no trace of the complaint is exhaled by the noble souls. At present online study has emerged to be a necessity but it cannot replace the regular classroom study.
As quoted by Dr. H. S. Cheema
“Every individual is born with a POTENTIAL that makes him successful and useful in future.He has more capability than he thinks he can but, will never see it UNLESS he doesn’t step out to face challenges courageously WITHOUT worrying about failures and this is what we call perseverance”