Who wants to be happy? The easiest answer for anyone; everyone. Every living human
being is in constant search of happiness at every stage of life. As a child happiness was associated with the toys, as a teenager in friends and outings, as a young man in the pleasure of being in companionship, as a middle-age in family, and as an old aged person may be in God.
Happiness is searched in association with either a person, situation, or time frame. If such things happen, I would be happy. If so and so person either enter in my life or leave my life I would be happy. The list can be endless. But is it the reality? Is our happiness being in any other individual, situation, or time frame? This question needs careful consideration. Hypothetically, if happiness was to get the right life partner, logically all married couples should be happy forever. If the happiness was in to get a first rank or first class all students who achieve it should be happy. But that is not what is experienced. The moments of happiness after so-called achievements are more transitory in nature. It may stay for some time and again search begins for a new goal or rather a goal post gets shifted. Where is real happiness? Are we looking for it in the right place?
There was an old man who was searching for something outside his home. It was evening hours. His neighbor observed it and thought of helping him. The old man told him that he had lost his gold ring and he was looking for it. Both continued to search but it was unsuccessful. After a while, the neighbor asked him the location where he lost it. The old man replied, he lost the ring in his house but there was no light in the house and there was a lamp post outside his house where it was bright and hence, he started his search over here.
Our search for happiness is somewhat like that of an old man; searching where it is not there.
The happiness associated with a person, situation or time can at the most transitory illusion, the moments you reach there, it gets shifted in either next person, situation, or time frame.
Hence follow the wise people who have experienced and based on that have declared that search within you, happiness is your very nature. The events outside are at the best can be a trigger, the experience of happiness comes from within. Search the source and be happy forever.