The Joy of Giving Without Any Expectations

Good morning my dear T-Talk Community Members………

Today’s source of my blog is courtesy a short piece by Mr. Chetan Bhagat which I happened to chance on through one of the forwarded messages. The story is very interesting and really caught my eye because it is a source of great learning. So I thought I would share it with you my readers so that you can also take benefit of the lesson from the same.

The story goes that one day; a gentleman was on his way to work. On his way he found a piece of paper tied to an electric pole, with a small note on it.  He was curious to know what was written and hence went closer and read it. “I lost Rs.50 somewhere on the road. If any of you find it, please give it to me at this address. My vision isn’t great so please help.”

He followed the address mentioned on the note and found an old shattered hut and an old woman sitting outside. She was frail and asked who it was, following his footsteps. He replied that he had come by this way and had found a Rs.50 on the road and so wanted to hand over to her.

She began crying on hearing this. She said “My dear I have had at least 30-40 people come over and give me Rs.50 saying they found it on the road. I didn’t write that note; I cannot even see properly nor do I know to read and write”

He replied that it was OK Amma and that she can keep it. She asked him to tear that note on the electric pole off on his way back.

He walked back with a million thoughts as to who could have written that note?

She would have asked everyone to tear that note but none did. 

He mentally thanked that person and realized that we just have to feel the need to help and there are many ways to do it. He/she just wanted to help this old woman.

On the way, someone stopped him and asked, Bro, can you help me with this address? I found a 50 rupee note and want to handover.

Source: Chetan Bhagat

The purpose of life is not only to be happy and do things that satisfy our selves. The purpose of life is much broader – we need to understand this and adopt a macro perspective rather than a micro perspective. Our outlook in life can make a world of a difference to the people and the society around us.

The purpose of life is also to be useful, 

  • to be honorable, 
  • to be compassionate, 
  • to make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 

No one has ever become poor by giving – in fact as knowledge grows by spreading, giving also has the same multiplying effect. You will receive much more from life than what you give out of your true feelings of empathy and compassion.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Give without expectations – that is true compassion and that is the true spirit of giving we must adopt. Mastering this is very difficult because of our human psyche because we are selfish by nature and do not do anything without expecting something in return. But once if you have mastered this art of giving without expectation, you will find the true joy of giving seeping through you and also you will feel your heart open up many times over and giving then comes easily to you.

So let us learn this valuable lesson of giving from the heart and practice it in our everyday lives – if we all practice it sincerely, the world can really become a better place for many under-privileged people and we can truly make the difference!!!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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