Bachpan Ke Din Bhula Na Dena

Hi Friends, today I got in touch with a few childhood friends and we shared some really nostalgic memories of our childhood. I am sure all of you have gone through this experience at some point of time or the other with your friends.

Among other relationships on this planet, relationship of genuine friends is a unique one, just as that of a parent and child – no parallels. Friends don’t see how much progress you have made in life or what you have achieved. For them, through their eyes, you are still the same young lad who was part of their cricket team and other sport teams and with whom vacations were spent playing all sorts of games.

Childhood is one of the sweetest phases of our lives but alas, while we are small children, we look at adults – all grown up and having freedom to do what they want and go where they want, and we aspire to be like them. When we are in school, we look at the college going kids and envy their freedom to dress as they want, go where they want and their new-found freedom. When we reach college, we look at the office-going people and career oriented people making money and having a job, car, etc and we aspire for that lifestyle – free from tension of studies and having to pass exams and get a degree with decent grades.

When we finally reach the phase in our lives where we start working and earning and have a nine-to-five job or some other means of gainful employment, the reality starts sinking in. We realize that life is full of tensions and deadlines and responsibilities and issues which need your attention all the time. When you were young, you did not have to bother about anything because your parents were there to take care of everything – your job was to go to school, do your studies, have a ball with your friends in the evening and come home and sleep.

When we were in college, we could still afford to procrastinate major decisions and defer them to a later time because we still had the protective overlook of our parents. We did not have to think that where our next meal will come from or how we will retain the roof over our head. Our parents were there to take care of it all.

But when we finally hit the maturity phase in our lives, the phase where suddenly we find ourselves independent and in fact having several others depending on us, that is the time of reckoning – life’s true test. And it is at such moments, recollection of childhood memories and times spent with your childhood pals fills you with sweet nostalgia.

Friends don’t judge and weigh you in light of your achievements or progress in life. Not all are fortunate enough to have made a good life, but that is not the criteria of true friendship. Friends had accepted you the way you were when you were a young child and even today they accept you the way you are – without any kind of discrimination.

When we were young, we had so many friends, always calling out and inviting you to play with them or join them in some silly conversations or activities. But you could not always join them as Mother’s instructions about studies and curfew timings had to be honored as well. But today the situation is reverse, you are there waiting and able to be with your friends, but there are no friends around to be with you and share moments with you. As life happens to all, each of our friends become engrossed in their respective lives and all have family commitments, work commitments and other such engagements to attend to. In all of this, taking time out and meeting childhood friends over a drink quite often takes the last priority.

The picture that I am putting below the blog has been sourced from whatsapp media shared with me and it led me to introspect about childhood and life – so true the picture is.

Friends if you are also feeling the same sentiments like me after reading my blog and seeing the picture, do share your comments below the blog – I would love to hear your comments and opinions as well because you are my true inspiration.

Have a great Day!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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