Unconditional Belief In The Almighty

Although we come across so many forwards and jokes and posts on whatsapp, we tend to ignore most as they are actually ridiculous. But the University of Whatsapp does carry in its recesses, certain gems – Simple stories with great lesson value. Today’s blog is dedicated to one such gem curated from whatsapp with author unknown. But definitely due credit must go to whosoever wrote this.

So the story goes that  every day early morning a little girl would come to the temple and stand before the idol, close her eyes and with folded hands, murmur something for a couple of minutes. Then she would open her eyes, bow down, smile and go out running. This was a daily affair. The temple priest was observing her and was curious about what she was doing. He thought, she is too small to know the deeper meanings of religion, she would hardly know any prayers. But then what was she doing every morning in the temple?

Fifteen days passed and by now the curiosity of the priest knew no bounds and he now couldn’t resist but to find out more about her behavior. One morning, the priest reached there before the girl and was waiting for her to complete her ritual. He placed his hand on her head and said, “My child, I have seen since the last fifteen days that you come here regularly. What do you do?”
 “I pray,” She said spontaneously.

“Do you know any prayers?” asked the priest with some suspicion in his voice. “…No” replied the girl. “Then what are you doing closing your eyes, every day?” he smiled. Very innocently the girl said: “I do not know any prayer, but I know “a,b,c,d….up to z. I recite it five times and tell God that, I don’t know your prayer, but it cannot be outside of these alphabets. Please arrange the alphabets as you wish and that is my prayer.” And she ran, jumping on her way out. The priest stood there dumb-struck, staring at her for a long time as she disappeared running in the wilderness.

This is THE UNCONDITIONAL belief in God that we pray.

Remember, god almighty does not dictate procedures and methods and other such formal ways of approaching him or praying to him. He accepts everything that you do with true devotion and true feelings from the heart for him. Even without visiting any place of worship, if you simply close your eyes and remember him even once a day and thank him for all the small mercies in life he has bestowed upon you, you have done your praying. Remembering god is probably the easiest and simplest part but alas, we humans tend to make it so complicated that in the formalities; we lose sight of the main intent.

So let us all be like that carefree little girl and offer our prayers and thanks to him in our own little ways – whatever they may be because the almighty only expects unconditional belief and not in the manner in which it is expressed.

Have a great Day!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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