Balance Of Life – An Important Lesson

A very good morning to you all my dear readers. Another day beckons; so wash the sleep of your eyes and prepare to collaborate with life to make it the best day of your life. Yes, you heard me right, collaborate with life……I did not say tackle life or fight with life or take on life. Why should we use negative words and create negative feelings and sentiments for something as beautiful as life itself. Why can’t we start on a positive note and say to ourselves that “I will collaborate with life today and extract the best possible out of today and make it a memorable day of my life”. We all live, but once, so why waste this opportunity in negativity and cribbing. I believe strongly that when life gives you lemons – try and make lemonade. So go with the flow and make a good start to your day with a positive thought.

Learning to balance things in life is a very important lesson which life has taught us. But most of us have failed to grasp this lesson in the right spirit as to what it is meant to convey to us. Life tells us that anything and everything is good, but in moderation. The moment we overdo it – go in excess, it harms us. So we need to balance out and understand the limits to which we can push things. As I said, nature is the best teacher of this lesson. Take a simple example around us. We have rainfall and sunshine and cold climate in India. We all know the importance of these weather conditions.

We are so much dependent on rainy season for the precious water it brings us and by which we as humans are able to survive. We owe the sunshine equally because of the various benefits it brings to us, equally as we owe to the cold climate which brings us relief from the intense heat of the beating sun. All these conditions keep changing periodically and therefore we are not subjected to extremes and are able to bear them and even enjoy and benefit from them.

But imagine if it would be raining 12 months of the year or extreme heat or extreme cold climatic conditions throughout the year, would we have the same feelings? Would we really appreciate nature’s largesse? We all know and have seen the kind of calamities and disasters which come along when there is even a little excessive rainfall – cities and towns get inundated & life comes to a standstill. Similarly is the case of extreme heat waves and cold waves when they hit across the country. Thousands perish in them.

But thankfully nature has created a balancing mechanism and we are spared the brunt of such extreme brutal weather and we are able to sustain a healthy life on this planet. So we must draw inspiration and a lesson from nature here and not keep cribbing about being unfortunate and unlucky in life and keep complaining about all the bad things that have happened to you. Always remember, with the bad, you have also received the good, our only problem is that this good is never visible in our eyes and we take life’s small small mercies for granted and do not put it in the balancing scale against the bad happening to you.

All of us are blessed with small small everyday mercies in life, but we fail to appreciate nature or god for them. We assume that they were meant to be there and there is nothing special about them. But remember and appreciate who put them there in the first place? Yes guys, things just don’t happen on their own, there is definitely something somewhere who orchestrates these good and bad things. So for the bad things if we readily blame nature or god, then why can’t we appreciate nature or god for the good things that happen to us?

Like the example of climatic conditions I mentioned above, if there will be too much good – in excess, then we will lose its value. Similarly, if there is too much bad – in excess, we lose our courage and with it our human spirit which keeps us going and alive. Therefore nature or god has created both in moderation for us and that is how balance is achieved in our lives.

We only need to open our eyes and our minds and realize this essential and basic truth of life and you will find that this realization makes living life much easier and your courage to face tough times becomes multiplied many times over. You will find that the bad things don’t affect you as much as they used to because at the back of your mind the thought and the realization is always there that this is nature’s way of balancing life and after the bad, good will surely follow.

So dear friends, let us begin our day with this new realization and see the change in yourself and in your lives.

Good Luck !

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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