Guru Mantra For Life

Christmas done and journey to the New Year starts. A time when we mostly all are relaxed and taking a break from school, college and work to usher in the New Year festivities. 2021 is nearing its end and 2022 is already peeking in the horizon and trying to come as early as possible.

Although 2021 wasn’t a good year in terms of so many losses we witnessed due to the pandemic’s second and more deadly wave, as usual, we are all optimistic that 2022 will bring an end to the pandemic story and we will free of it once and for all and we will be able to resume our lives like usual. Let us all pray for this to come true.

Anyways, today I would yet again like to share with you a very nice and touching story with a moral which I came across from a WhatsApp forward. It is meaningful and hence sharing it below:

Once it so happened that in a meeting, Guru ji asked a 30-year-old youth to stand up during his discourse. “You are walking on Juhu Chowpatty in Mumbai and a beautiful girl is coming from the front, so what will you do?”  The young man said – She will be seen, and he will start seeing her personality. Guru ji further asked – “After that girl has moved forward, still will you look back too?”. The boy said jokingly, “Yes, if my wife is not with me”. (Everyone laughs in the meeting)

Guru ji again asked – “Tell me how long will you remember that beautiful face?”. The young man thoughtfully said “May be for 5 – 10 minutes, until another beautiful face appears”. To this, Guru ji said to the young man “now just imagine, you are going from Jaipur to Mumbai and I gave you a packet of books and said that this packet should be delivered to such and such great person in Mumbai…….You go to his house in Mumbai to deliver the packet. When you see his house, you come to know that he is a billionaire.
10 vehicles are parked in the porch of his bungalow and 5 watchmen are standing outside the house. You send the information of your arrival along with the packet to him through his servant and then that gentleman himself comes out and greets you. He takes the packet from you. Then when you start to return leave the place, you are requested very humbly by him to come inside his home. He sits beside you and feeds you hot food. While you are returning, he asks you – how have you come to my house?. You say – in the local train. He asks his driver to take you to your destination and as soon as you are about to reach your place, that billionaire dignitary makes a call to you and asks – Brother, Have you reached comfortably..!! Now tell me how long will you remember this great man?

The young man said “Guruji! I will never forget that person in my life, till I die in life”. Addressing the gathering through the youth, Guru Ji said – “This is the reality of life.”
“Beautiful face is remembered for a short time, but beautiful behavior is remembered for life.

So friends that’s the guru mantra of life……. Concentrate on the beauty of your behavior more than the beauty of your face and body. Life will become enjoyable for yourself and unforgettable inspirational for others.

Stay Blessed

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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