Don’t Let The Negativity Sink Your Ship

Hello my dear friends, one more day closer to the New Year and the excitement is mounting I am sure. Only dampener on the spirits is the Omicron virus spreading its tentacles in the world and now rapidly in India as well, which has become a cause of concern.

I just hope that we don’t experience the much-talked about third wave anytime soon and that the virus subsides by itself. But then as they say, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. So my hopes are not going to affect the virus in any major way but I still prefer to remain optimistic as to its end.

Drawing close to the year end, looking back at the year gone by, all one can actually see is dismay, anger, hatred, death and so much of negativity that the year 2021 brought about. I am not saying that it was all bad, but more or less, at the world level, the way things have unfolded all throughout the year, it has left a bitter taste in the mouth.

I am sure the entire humanity is praying for relief from this corona virus so that life on earth can resume peacefully as it was before. Not that there was eternal peace ruling the planet, but we all had access to some semblance of stability and balance in our lives and we all had a clear cut routine which we were living and following. But with the virus, our entire life was disrupted and many things have changed forever for many people.

But I am a firm believer in positivity and just as all the water in the sea, cannot sink a ship till it is afloat – the ship sinks only when the water creeps into the ship, in the same way I believe that none of negativity of the world can bring you down, until you let this negativity get inside you.

So let us all be firm in our determination and willpower and resolve not to let this negativity which is there around us, to affect us and change our way of thought and our way of life for the worse. We need to fight back and overpower it and try and spread as much positivity and hope as we can in this world because the world really needs it.

And of course we all have heard the fact that your thoughts have power of attracting what you wish for. So if that is true, then let us wish for peace, hope, love and happiness in 2022 and let us all have this positive willpower to attract all that we wish for.

Hum Honge Kaamyaab, Hum Honge Kaamyaab Ek Din…

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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