Some Beautiful Thoughts

Good Morning my dear readers and hope today is special for you. Not that there is anything special about the day, but I believe that it is our attitude that can make even ordinary things special. So today is just like any other day, but if in our mind we treat is as a special day where good things will happen, you never know, good things might really happen. And if they don’t happen, at least you will spend the day in hope of something good happening and have a good day overall because the glimmer of the lamp of hope shines brightest than anything else in life.

Today morning I opened a book of quotes to read, just to give myself that positive start and I came across these four beautiful thoughts which are so positive that I thought that my today’s piece should be dedicated to these four thoughts alone.

Thought No.1 – Look back and get Experience

Yes dear friends, we all have seen and experienced so much in life but often when we move ahead, we forget our past experiences and especially the valuable lessons which they taught us. We mustn’t let all those valuable lessons go waste;  once in a while, we must take stock of our past and revisit our mistakes and recall the lessons – that will surely help save us the trouble of committing the same mistakes again and going through the same unpleasant experience again.

Thought No.2 – Look Forward & See Hope

As I mentioned above, there is nothing that shines brighter in this world than the glimmer of the lamp of hope. Hope is like the wind beneath our wings helping us to fly faster and higher without being seen or heard – hope can only be felt. Be positive, be optimistic and be hopeful for a better life, a better future. No one has ever died of hope but many have been resuscitated by the oxygen of hope.

Thought No.3 – Look around & find Reality

We must have our feet firmly planted on the ground. It is often easy to become an escapist and live in a fool’s paradise but people who do so, often hit the ground with a hard thud when reality strikes. No point in being like an ostrich and burying our head in the sand. What must be faced; must be faced – good or bad, irrespective. So we need to recognize and face the reality of life

Thought No.4 – Look within & find yourself

Yes, we all have a champion inside us. A hero, a person with powers unknown to himself or herself who can achieve difficult feats in the blink of an eye because each one of us has been bestowed with some or the other special gift by nature. All we need to do is look within ourselves and find the real you inside. We each need to recognize our special gift and use it for the purpose it has been given to us. Remember, we all have it within us and god has made all of mankind equal – he has balanced things among people. Some are good at something while others are good at something else. So we all need to tap our special gift, our special talent and use it for the welfare of all.

Friends these four thoughts really carry deep meaning within them and if followed in the correct manner, they can bring a world of change in our own life and as well as in the lives of those around us. So here’s to trying to bring about the change in our own life first = Cheers!!!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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