Forget Doors Closed Behind – New Doors Will Open Ahead

Friends we all get chances in life – some we take up and utilize to the maximum while some others we let go. We let go of some of the chances either by choice or because we were not in a position to take them up. Either way, we let them go.

However it often happens that in retrospect, when we look back and think about those chances which we let go, we often feel guilty and have regret of not having taken them. We always think and even fantasize that had we taken those chances, our life would have been different today. I would have had this, I would be in that position, I would be with that person or I would be doing this or that. We all sit on a pile of ifs & buts and keep on speculating about how our lives would have turned out to be, had we taken those chances which we let go.

You may recall that it often happens that we often end up feeling sad & disappointed about those missed chances. But we never tend to give a thought about those chances that we did take and which have led us to where we are today. We fail to appreciate our own selves for taking those chances and making the most of them. We simply presume that those other missed chances were more superior and they would have taken us much farther or would have given us greater momentum in life than what we currently have.

All I wish to say here is that we stress so much about the closed doors behind us, but we must understand that NEW DOORS are always opening for us if we keep moving forward. Our duty is to do the right thing at the time when we are confronted with a choice and move on. By right thing I mean that whatever appears to be the right thing to do to you at the moment of choice – not necessarily it may be the right choice. But you need to make your choice and move forward.

This is how life happens to all of us. None of us know for sure what is the correct choice or what is the correct way forward, however when faced with a choice, we always choose what appears to be correct at that moment and move on. That is the secret of living life and always moving forward in life. If you get stuck at the crossroads, pondering which is the correct way to take, and unable to decide your choice, your journey will come to an end there itself because you are not strong enough to back yourself and make a choice either way and move forward.

So make your choice when you get an opportunity and take the chance which appears to be the correct one for you at the time. Once done, don’t regret over the chances missed along the way, because for each closed door behind you, there is also a new door opening ahead of you… keep moving forward……

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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