
Dear Friends a very good morning to all my dear readers once again and welcome to another new day and a new positive thought.

Today we are again going to talk about a very simple concept i.e. comparisons. We humans love to do comparisons between anything and everything. How much money he or she has or how much more intelligent the other person is in comparison with me or how beautiful that other girl is or how luxurious his car is than mine, etc. At the drop of a hat we compare things and in the end gain nothing but heartache and jealousy as we always feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence always.

So let me put this simple concept in clear perspective to help understanding the true meaning.

Let us say, Shweta covered a distance of 10 kms in one hour. Akash covered the same distance in one and a half hours. Which of the two is faster and healthier?? Of course our answer will be Shweta.

What if we say that Shweta covered this distance on a prepared track while Akash did it by walking on a sandy path??? Then our answer will be Akash. But when we come to know that Shweta is 50 years old while Akash is 25 years old?? Then our answer will be Shweta again.

But we also come to know that Akash’s weight is 140 kg while Shweta’s weight is 65 kg. Again our answer will be Akash. As we learn more about Akash and Shweta, our opinions and judgments about who is better will change.

The reality of life is also similar. We form opinions very superficially and hastily, due to which we are not able to do justice to ourselves and others.

We must always remember that …….

Opportunities vary

Life is different

Resources differ

Problems change

Solutions are different

Therefore the excellence of life is not in comparing with anyone but in testing oneself.  You are the best. Stay as you are and keep trying your best according to your circumstances

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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