Darkness Cannot Drive Away Darkness – Only Light Can

It’s a lovely morning and the sun is shining brightly and I have made up my mind to keep a positive attitude all day and make my day a lovely one.

So sharing my good spirits with you as well in hope of it rubbing well on you also so that you also have a bright and positive day.

Firstly our T-Talk team is excited and it gives me great pleasure to share with you that we have two genius personalities lined up to come on the T-Talk platform to share their inspirational stories with us soon. One is the Strategic Marketing Brand Guru Mr. Jagdeep Kapoor and the other is the great Indian Rural Connect Genius Mr. Pradeep Lokhande. Both these are iconic personalities who have achieved so much in their respective fields and they have agreed to share their stories on our T-Talk platform, so waiting for those to come online so that you guys can also take the benefit of it.

Guys we are surrounded by so much of negativity, violence and all kinds of acts which are unbecoming of us being called human beings. You pick up the morning newspaper and wham!!! In your face come 100s of articles describing all sorts of violence and gore. You switch on the television news channels and all you see is hatred, crime, violence, discrimination and every possible negative act that can be perceived by man.

Thank God that we have had the opportunity to learn and understand and realize that most of these headlines are made to sell the papers and make the TRPs. Most of the news is created and planted by various vested interests who wish to keep the kettle boiling so that peace does not prevail and people keep fighting among themselves as this serves the purpose of many, especially the political class. Peace and brotherhood are signs of danger for such vested interests as this goes against their plans of divide and rule.

But sadly I have also realized that not all are able to understand and realize the fakeness of these news stories. There are still many in a country like India who are illiterate, suffering acute poverty and who are ready to believe every word that is said in the news channels. They tend to get influenced by all these violent renditions of human abuse and in turn they tend to resort to similar actions themselves as they believe that violence can only stop violence. They believe that the ancient Hammurabi Code of “Eye for an Eye” is justifiable totally. This leads to more spread of such condemnable actions and the fire keeps spreading and burning even brighter. There are enough people around to keep stoking it and preventing it from getting extinguished.

What we don’t realize and what we must make others realize as well is that Darkness does not drive away darkness – only light can. Similarly hate cannot drive away hate – only love can. The day we as humans realize this simple truth, I am sure the world will become a much better place to live in.

Just as a simple oil lamp in a dark cottage spreads the joy of light and vision all around, no matter how dark it may be, the humble lamp gives out its glow and the periphery of the cottage becomes visible. The light spreads and by spreading, it does not diminish in any manner. Similarly, love can spread more love and that can lead to the exile and extinction of hate, anger, violence and other such negative sentiments and emotions and feelings.

So let us all realize these simple and basic truths of life and try to follow them in our daily lives. Let us try to spread this as much as possible to all whom we come in contact with – you never know, you may be doing the greatest service to humanity by spreading the message of love and peace. You will never know that whose heart you touched and whose heart turned for the better because of your humble efforts.

So friends keep shining and keep burning brightly with the flame of love and peace and let us drive away anger, hatred and all negativity and let us welcome positivity in our lives.

Have a Splendid, Positive and a Smashing Day!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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