Everyone Can Be A Santa

A very good morning to you all my dear readers. Today is Christmas day – a day to spread the Christmas cheer and merriment. A time to celebrate and also a time to introspect. Christmas is the festival which inspires us to be merry and happy as we learn that the light of the Divine is always guarding us and that we must never lose hope even against the hardest odds. It is a time for spreading love, peace, hope and joy.

The very theme of Christmas in the form of Santa Claus is to have a spirit of joy by sharing, kindness and empathy towards one and another. We are the fortunate ones who have most of the blessings of life and are able to enjoy good things with our family and friends. But there are countless people on this planet earth who are not so fortunate and cannot afford even two square meals a day.

I am not asking anyone to empty their pockets for them, but on this special day, even if each one of us, became Santa’s messenger and donated even Rs.10 to one needy person, imagine how much cheer and joy we could spread to the people who need it the most. Rs.10 is not going to hurt us in any major way, but that Rs.10 in hand on a festival, can bring so much of joy on the face of such a needy person who can use it to buy something he wants. Friends, for many, Rs.10 are also a big amount of money.

Personally, every year, about 10th of Dec onwards, I start a small charity collection drive and ask people to donate whatever they like – toys, games, clothes, shoes, blankets or anything else they might wish to or might not have any use for anymore in their houses. The only condition is that it must be in good condition. I collect this for about ten days and before Christmas Eve, I go and donate all this to orphanages and old age homes. Although these things are used, but they do bring a joy on the face of the recipients who are not so fortunate to buy new stuff for themselves. I on my part derive joy in acting as a connecting point between those who need these things and those who don’t need these things. The sheer joy on the face of the young children which is seen when they receive an old used ball or a puzzle, is worth all the effort.

So friends I don’t know whether Santa exists in reality or not, but we all can become his messengers in our own little ways and can help in spreading the Christmas joy and cheer and bring happiness to people who need it the most by our own little efforts.

So let us spread this joy and happiness to everyone we can by connecting with them in our own little ways – Let us all become Santas’….

Join me in:

Affirming: I will spread joy and happiness wherever I go

Gratitude: Thank you oh divine being for being with me always and watching over me and protecting me

Blessings: To one and all for having an attitude of caring, sharing and compassion

Merry Christmas !

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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