Homework For The New Year

Hello my dear readers, today I am going to keep my message short and sweet – something meaningful and which can have deep resonance in our lives.

I know and understand that preaching big thoughts and using big words is one thing and implementing them in our lives is another. But I also believe that if we do read and repeat a few good things over and over again, then our brain reacts to the recency and repetitivity and creates a memory bank of the same and some way or the other, these thoughts do begin to influence us sub-consciously. I am not an expert, but then there is no harm in trying right?

So here goes with a few of these golden thoughts which we need to treasure:

Life is too short – we need to live it to the fullest

Love is very scarce – we need to hold on to it and keep it

Anger is very bad – we need to keep it buried

Doubt / Suspicion are very dangerous – Confront them

Memories are very soothing – try and treasure them

If you have mental satisfaction, then consider yourself to be the most fortunate one in the world.

These are few simple thoughts but have powerful meaning and impact on our lives. After all we all live our lives and at the end of the day we all want to have peace of mind and a good night’s sleep. These simple positive thoughts can give us a world full of peace, happiness and positivity – only if we try can we achieve and implement them in our lives.

As I said earlier, I fully well understand that there is a very big gap between preaching things and doing things but we can all at least take a step in this direction in the New Year. So let us all make a New Year resolution to at least implement one of the things mentioned above every month

Remember – Koshish karnewalo ki haar nahi hoti….

All the best !

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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