Good Morning my dear friends, very bright and cheerful morning to you all
Thanking you for stopping by and visiting our T-Talk blog for the day. Yes, as usual, we have something interesting to share with you – something simple and something real which you can relate to.
Actually, I got this message by way of a Whatsapp forward so I really don’t know who has written it or created this, but definitely, I would credit the writer’s thinking for such a novel thought and idea behind this.
There is deep-rooted learning in this short anecdote, which is as follows.
We all have got so used to using Google Maps for our daily commute. Ask anyone who drives around, they will confess unabashedly that they depend on Google Maps to find out routes and reach their destinations most of the time. It has almost become a second habit for us all. We have stopped using our brains and identifying landmarks and remembering roads and areas – we are so dependent on Google Maps that it seems the easiest way out rather than taxing our brain. Even the nearest location is now identified via Google Maps because we have lost the practice of remembering roads and lanes and by-lanes.
Often, when Google Maps is directing you “Take the next left and then after 100 Meters take the next right”, etc , and due to your inability to follow the instruction properly or due to a momentary lapse of concentration, we often miss the turns and the pre-set route on which Google Maps is taking us to reach our destination. But what happens when you do that? Have you ever noticed that Google Maps never yells or condemns you if you miss a turn?
It never yells at you and says, “you took a wrong turn, you idiot!” or why didn’t you take the previous left, you moron!” or scream “you never listen to me”!
If it did that, you would probably stop using it. Instead, it just re-routes and shows you the next best way to get to your destination. It does not sit and crib and complain and blame you for the mistake. It quietly adjusts itself for the mistakes you have done because it wants to reach you to your destination. Its primary Interest is to get you to your goal and not make you feel bad about your mistake.
There is a great lesson here!
We often miss the right path in our life’s journey and often go astray and end up going round in circles or going in a direction that is opposite to our destination. At such moments, it is tempting to unload our frustration and anger on those who have made a mistake, because you can never blame yourself because human nature and mindset is always to point the finger at someone else. You blame others for your fallacies, you blame others for your misfortune, for your missed chances, for your bad luck, for all your pains and sorrows, because everything wrong in your life is caused by someone else – never you.
Yelling at someone else, or abusing, screaming, fighting, or in general just trying to pass the buck around will never yield any good. The wisest choice here is to help fix a problem and not play the blame game. That will lead you back to the correct path in the shortest and most efficient manner and in the process, you will also end up hurting fewer people and winning more hearts. The ultimate winner here will be you and no one else.
So let us all try to be a Google Map to all our loved ones and the ones we care about and help them and our own selves to reach our destinations in the best possible manner without pointing fingers at anyone for any reason whatsoever.