That Last Goodbye

I often find myself glaring at the evening sun,
When it welcomes my sight by showing its gentle side,
The mesmerizing red makes my heart blossom and my mind run amok,
Yet the serenity and peace offered felt somewhat like a sign of love,
I know the anger and destruction the sun goes through all day long,
Yet before it leaves, it always gives me a pleasant and silent wave,
Its like the smile of someone i know,
And the distance between us is as far as it gets,
But yet i know how deep my feelings for her dwell,
I wait for these sweet sweet sunsets and try to cast myself an image,
Where she would be as gentle as the sun is now,
And she will welcome me with that beautiful smile she has,
The one she knows i talk for hours and hours about,
An unending aura of everything that cushions my pains,
An expressive view of everything good i ever thought i could say,
They are all brought about by that shine,
The shine that is the metaphor for a smile,
The smile I have cherished since i ever saw,
The same smile i still cherish with all my heart.

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