The Present & Future Can Only Happen When We Let Go Of The Past

A very good and cheerful morning to one and all and let us all pray to have a wonderful and fulfilling day.

Dear readers, it is so true that all of us aspire continuously to have a better today. We want to achieve so many things and we have so many aspirations for ourselves, our families, our careers, etc. We want things to turn out the way we imagined always, inspired by the success, wealth, happiness of others we see around us or the ideas implanted in our minds by movies and other media. We all want to lead that perfect, happy, balanced life where we have everything going great and we feel that, that will be the key to my true happiness.

We not only aspire to change our today for the better, but we also want to maintain that positive change in continuity and make sure that this positive change lasts forever and with our present, our future also evolves into one happy story of success, love and happiness and whereby we can ride into the sunset on the wheels of our success when the time comes.

It is true friends, nobody wishes for negativity or unpleasant things to happen to us in our lives. We all want our lives to change forever and hope that only the best will happen to us here onwards. It is good to hope for all these things and we must always stay positive and look for positive changes in our lives on a daily basis, but we forget one thing – if we need to unlock the door to positivity and positive changes, we need to find the key to do so by forgetting the negativity and unpleasantness of our past.

The road which we have already travelled on has to be forgotten if we need to start the journey on a new path of happiness. The very fact that we are looking for happiness and positivity is an indicator that the path we travelled on so far has not really given us what we wanted and that is why we aspire for better things in the present and even more beautiful life in the future. So why remember something which was a source of pain, negativity, bad vibes and unpleasant happenings.

Why do we need to carry this unnecessary baggage with us? If it is not good, drop it !!! Reboot your life and think of all the good things you wish to have in life and make a start in that direction. The first steps will definitely be heavy but baby-steps – one small step at a time is the key. Once you have let go of the past – whatever it may have been – the good, the bad and the ugly, you will feel lighter and fresher and your mind will be clean of all the emotional baggage and you will feel yourself ready to take on your new journey on the path of happiness. Whether you will acquire happiness and all that you aspire for or not, that is another question, but at least if you take those initial steps in the right direction, you will have done something that will benefit you in the long run.

As they say in Hindi, “Koshish Karne Waalo Ki Haar Nahi Hoti”. So we need to at least try and give it our best shot and keep on trying till we succeed. If you aim for the stars, you might end up on the rooftop of your building at least J. But yes friends, the point I am trying to drive home here is that to make a fresh start in life in anything we do and for it to succeed, we must let go of the past. Whatever was there in the past, we must forgive and forget, good or bad, we must move on because we are looking at the bigger picture in life and by hanging on to past things, they will keep holding you back and hampering your progress in the present and in the future.

So let us move on, let go of the past, think about the present and try to make our future better. If we do not let go of the past, we keep the slot of obtaining happiness and satisfaction occupied and therefore we will not be able to give the present or the future a chance to occupy that slot and bring us what we want.

Let bygones be bygones and move ahead and give yourself a chance and give life a chance to bring happiness into your world and make your world a better and happier place to live in……Remember, You Deserve It !!!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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