Emotions Emotions Emotions!!!
Why so much is said about emotions. Are emotions so important for humans?
It is said that emotions are an integral part of a person’s being that is very much forgotten. We always talk about body-mind-spirit, but emotions play a major role in all the three “bodies” and have the power to turn something into nothing. Emotions are subtle thought forms and arise in response to something. If used positively, can be a stimulus for change and could be a driving force behind manifestation and creativity. But when out of control it can cause serious destruction, not only in our lives but in each and everyone’s life associated with us and equally the surroundings.
The question that arises now is that how could one handle emotions? How can one be in a state of positive emotions? Is there a trick or a technique to be in positive emotions round the clock? To answer these questions spirituality can be a great help. Spirituality does not mean leaving everything and going to the Himalayas for “Moksha”. Spirituality means handling your responsibility with positive emotion, handling your day-to-day task with the feeling of love, joy, forgiveness, compassion, trust, gratitude. Spirituality teaches you to be in a state of acceptance and gratitude. It helps you manage your emotions positively. By gaining an entry into your spiritual self, your outer and inner-self appear to be clearly visible to you, and the vagaries of emotions that play havoc in your otherwise normal life, appear to be more and more within your grasp and control and soon it will be you controlling your emotions and not the other way round. That is the time when your spiritual self, would come in alignment with your inner-self, and then onwards, your life, your emotions will take the path you have chosen and not set upon a forced choice of life’s paths.
As quoted by Dr.H.S.Cheema
“Defend your life’s goal post. Don’t let anybody score with toxic words. Developing one’s emotional abilities with self awareness, will help in creating a new story, you WISH to be in life.”