Not every battle is worth fighting for

Life’s lessons are extremely simple to learn and follow, but the problem lays with us, humans. In our ego of superiority, we choose to ignore these simple learning opportunities and continue to march on our individual ego-trips, and as a result, we are not able to correct the wrong choice, of course, we have embarked on. The choice which we normally make ends up taking us on the path of further self-destruction and bad karma. If only we could learn from the simple lessons of life…

Here I would like to narrate an interesting story I heard from a friend which really made me sit up and introspect. It is a simple everyday incident, but to the one who pays attention to the true meaning behind it, it has so much depth.

The story goes like this…….

There was once a newspaper vendor who had a rude customer. Every morning, the customer would walk by, refuse to return the greeting, grab the paper off the shelf and throw the money at the vendor. The vendor would pick up the money, smile politely, and say, “Thank you, Sir.”

One day, the vendor’s assistant asked him, “Why are you always so polite with him when he is so rude to you? Why don’t you throw the newspaper at him when he comes back tomorrow?”

The vendor smiled and replied, “He can’t help being rude and I can’t help being polite. Why should I let his rude behavior dictate my politeness, To respond to his negativity, I need to fill my heart with hatred first.”

Interpreted simply, the story means to convey the simple fact of life that we must choose the battles we want to pick and fight, not every quarrel is worth fighting for or responding to. It will only end up disturbing your own peace of mind.

For those who believe in Karma, they understand that Karma is like a boomerang…..what you do, is always going to come back to you in some way or the other. So you do your Karma & let others do theirs & Stay Blessed forever.

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