Focus On The Filled Spaces, The Empty Ones Will Blur By Themselves

Hi Folks, welcome to another blog and another day. I do hope you are enjoying my daily musings, after all this is especially for you my friends.

Guys don’t you think we are lucky in life? I mean we have everything that a normal human being could hope for……a nice family, a good home (however big or small it may be), a good education, the ability to earn our bread & butter, blessed relationships, etc. I mean, from the point of view of an average person, this is all that a normal person would love to have.

Yet we keep on crying and cribbing – I don’t have this, I didn’t get that in life. My life sucks, I am only working all my life and I have no happiness, no enjoyment, etc. Despite having our arms full with nature’s blessings and despite having all that you desire for, you always keep pointing out things which you did not get – not one thought is paid to those things which you already got, and sometimes got without even expecting them.

Mother Nature and God are very kind on us human beings and they always blessed us with abundance in life in every term. But the problem with us humans is that our focus is only on what we did not get. We care two hoots about what all life has actually given you, we only care about what we did not get and maybe someone else may have gotten. Our focus is more on those things which were missing than those things which were present so conspicuously in life’s bouquet.

This typical negative attitude leads us to perpetual dissatisfaction and no matter what we do get from life; our satiation is a distant dream because we do not consider those things at all in the reckoning. The empty spaces are more prominent to our eyes than the filled ones.

It is time we wake up to this truth that we get plenty in life, but we only count those things which we did not get. Due to this, our life always remains unfulfilled and empty. It is just a matter of changing our perception and outlook in life. Instead of counting the empty spaces, let us start focusing on the filled ones – we will realize the difference immediately and our life will become fuller and more satisfying.

So focus on the filled slots and the empty slots will become a blur by themselves !!!

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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