Have We Failed In Bringing Up Our ‘Modern’ Kids?

Hello my dear readers, welcome to another addition of my daily interaction with you, which I hope you are enjoying reading as much as I am enjoying writing and sharing my thoughts with you.

Yesterday I came across a speech by Mr. Narayan MurtyCEO of Infosys. Well he is someone who does not require any introduction and apart from his professional achievements, he has been a thought leader across a whole gamut of areas in life and has contributed a lot to the development of a new era of thinking and looking at life with a different perspective. And all these he has achieved by keenly observing life and its experiences and taking valuable lessons from them.

So this speech which I am reproducing verbatim below, I found on whatsapp forwards extracted from citytoday.media webpage.


The speech itself and his thoughts are so impressive and so relevant in today’s time that I thought that there is nothing to add here and I need to share his views with you my readers as well. So here it is below:

Have we failed in bringing up our ‘modern’ kids?

A very distressed neighbour shared that he had driven home after a long day at work. As he entered, he saw his wife in bed with fever. She had laid out his dinner on a tray. Everything was there just as he wanted it. The dal, vegetables, salad, green chutney, papad and pickles… ”How caring,” he thought, “Even when she is unwell, she finds the strength to do everything for me.” As he sat down to eat, he realised that something was missing. He looked up at his grown up daughter who was watching TV and said, ”Beta (child), can you get me my medicine and a glass of water, please?”. She rolled up her eyeballs to show her displeasure at being disturbed, but did the favour nevertheless.

A minute later he realised that salt was missing in the dal. He said, ”Sorry beta, can you please get me some salt?”. She said, ”Ufff!” and got the salt but her stomping shoes made it clear that she did not appreciate the disruption.  A few minutes later he said, ”Beta …” She banged the TV remote on the table and said, ”What is it now Dad? How many times will you make me get up? I too am tired; I had a long day at work!” The man said, ”I’m so sorry beta…” Silence prevailed. The man got up and placed the dishes in the kitchen sink and quietly wiped the tear escaping his eye.

My heart wept… I often wonder; why is it that the youngsters of the so called modern world behave like this? Have we given them too much freedom to express? Have we failed to discipline and give them the right values?

Is it right to treat children as friends? Think of it this way, they have lots of friends. But they have only one set of parents. If they don’t do ‘parenting’, who will? Today the ‘self-esteem’ of even a new born or an infant is being talked about; but what about the self-esteem of the parents? Are they supposed to just fan the egos of their children, while the children don’t care two hoots about theirs? Often parents say, “Aajkal ke bachhe sunte kahaan hain (Where will you find obedient children in these times)?” Why?

The other day, we were at a dinner party. All the seats were occupied except for one bean bag. One of our fifty-something friends told his teenaged daughter to move to the bean bag, so that he could sit on the high back chair she occupied. She said, ”Why can’t you sit on the bean bag?” I was zapped; we all knew that the father had a back ailment, and even otherwise… Well! Later as everyone was taking leave of the host, the same guy realised that he had left his car keys inside. He asked his daughter to go and get them.

Why can’t you go and get them yourself? I am not your maid!
I looked away in disgust and disbelief. The poor guy had no option but to make light of the situation saying,”Ya, Ya, but Daddy is your eternal servant my princess!
He went inside to fetch the car keys. This is what our social behaviour has become! Why? If we need to teach children about self-respect, self-esteem and self-confidence, we also need to tell them that howsoever big and rich and famous they may be, their parents shall always be their parents… children can never be their equals, let alone be their bosses!

Remember to Pay RENT – Respect, Empathy, Niceness, and Time!
I ALWAYS ADVISE PARENTS TO BE PARENTS AND NOT FRIENDS. Your kids can have n number of friends but have only ONE set of parents. So don’t be afraid to set rules and make the children obey them

Aren’t these thoughts so apt in today’s times? I am sure we all can learn valuable lessons from this. I need not elaborate more as I know all my readers are mature enough to get the message loud and clear.

Dr. Rajesh Mankani

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