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#47 Power of Self-Esteem
Children are born with sweet and pure innocence, not touched by the negatives of the world. As the child grows, he becomes part of the
#46 Journey of LIFE
When we enter into this world, we have no idea nor do we pay any attention to the fact that our life’s journey comes with
#45 Ability to LOVE
One thing in life that is abundant and free for all is the pure feeling of Love. Love comes in all forms and all sizes
#44 Leaders and PARENTS
Job of Parents is to ensure that their children have the best of all things in life. To achieve this, parents give selflessly and do
#43 A true LEADER
To be famous and distinct, or to stand out among a crowd, people try all sorts of ways and means and often in the process
#42 INNER strength and WILL POWER
When things don’t go the way we want them to go in our life, we are quick to point the blame in all directions possible,
#41 DESTROY your EGO
Flaws are plenty in every person and the catalyst for growing trees of ego, anger, hatred, vengeance are a dime a dozen. Without the need
#40 Work for your own SATISFACTION
Your own worth is valued by the amount of happiness and satisfaction you are able to garner for yourself with your own actions. Before being
#39 Instill good VALUES
Unlike we grown-ups, children do not have pre-conceived notions and presumptions and assumptions about everything around them. When they are born on this planet, their
#38 Test of CHARACTER
Many people live behind a outer façade of a put-on personality, often catering to the demands of what is good and what is bad according
#37 VALUE your existence
We come on this earth without our will or our contribution and we leave this world, more often than not, without our will or contribution.
#36 Own your TIME
“I don’t have time” – this is perhaps the most commonly heard and commonly expressed statement by everyone. Be it a businessman, be it a
Forgiveness is the virtue of gods. Our mythological history is replete with examples of forgiveness. When one forgives someone, one rises above the worldly bonds,
#34. Power of TEMPERANCE
We are what we make of ourselves in life. The key to a peaceful and happy life lies in the years of self-conditioning one must
#33. Attitude of GRATITUDE
Understanding Gratitude and the quality of expressing gratitude is perhaps the most difficult one for a human being to profess because a person who has
#32. Impact of EMOTIONAL Intelligence
Be the person you want to be in life. Stick to your guns and give direction to your life in the manner in which you
#31. Role of MOTIVATION
Engines need fuel to run efficiently, man needs food to function, similarly our psyche needs a healthy dose of motivation to kick-start our movement towards
WE all envy successful people – people who are liked and loved by all. But do we ever think about what is that particular quality
#29. Effective CONSISTENCY
Everyone has their own specialty – that little something that makes you unique, distinct and different than others, that little something that you can do
#28. Key to SUCCESS
Nothing is certain in our life – Like our own breath, we cannot say for sure that we will continue to breathe in the coming
#27. Being HOPEFUL
In stormy weather, cloudy and pouring rain, a small boat makes its way across the waters not knowing in which direction it is heading in
#26. Attributes of LEADERSHIP
A true leader becomes a great leader when he realizes his own deficiencies. If he knows what he lacks, he has mastered the weakest aspect
#25. Power of PASSION
When you do anything with a drive, do anything because you truly want to do it, then the outcome of your efforts is pure success
#24. SELF Awareness
It is always easy to choose the easy way out. No one wants to choose the tough and dangerous road, everyone wants to be comfortable
#23. SELF-talk
The concept of inner voice might appear strange to some while it may be common to many. Inside each one of us, there is a
#22. Positive THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS
Success is not available in any store in the world and successful people are not born with the mantle of success shining on their heads.
#21. Virtue of HUMILITY
Humility and modesty are said to be virtues of god Pride, ego, selfishness are the ones which lead us away from the path of righteousness.
#20. Stay FOCUSSED
It is often said that life’s journey is more interesting and meaningful than life’s destination. We all choose goals and targets for ourselves and most
Being a person who is not willing to compromise on his honesty is one of the most difficult tasks to achieve in life. Life tempts
#18. Role of ADAPTATION
Life is dynamic and life keeps changing in every possible conceivable manner every moment of the day. What is there today is not there tomorrow,